Love Relationships – Everything You Need To Know


In a relationship, when it becomes something else and becomes loving, there are two fundamental pillars that should not be missing. Because precisely, without them, it would not be a love relationship.

When talking about a couple, about a relationship, it should be borne in mind that neither sex nor love should be lacking. If one of them is missing, something is failing in the relationship… it would go from being a love relationship, to a relationship of friendship or brotherhood. And that, precisely, is the same as ending a love relationship.

There are no perfect couples… perfect love does not exist. Love relationships are worked. It is a combination of feelings towards the other person, fidelity, understanding and trust. Among other things… that here, each couple is the boss.


  1. You have to take into account when you start a relationship, that it may or may not work… you don’t know if you don’t start and you can’t start a love relationship, having the preconceived idea that this couple will be the definitive one, love of your life, you will get married, have children… that is one of the big problems in many relationships. Exaggerated expectations are set as soon as a relationship begins and as time passes, the problems begin. You have to let yourself go and, above all, get to know the couple.
  2. Plan less and let go more. When you decide to start a romantic relationship with another person, you have to keep in mind that you do not only have to look out for yourself. You also share your life with another person and that person does it with you. Therefore, things must be made clear from the beginning of the relationship. Do not cheat and if you know that your partner has goals for the future and you do not share them, it is the right time to tell him. In the long run, a relationship where you don’t have a future or plans in common or a present in common, ends up ending badly. You have to be realistic… for that very reason, live in the present and don’t get so obsessed with the future. What has to happen will happen?
  3. The sincerity. Sincerity is one of the fundamental pillars in any relationship. When the half-truths or lies begin, it is because there is something wrong between you. Don’t make excuses… do you like being lied to? So why do you do it with your partner? If you lie, it is because you want to hide something. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad. But something hidden. If you do, it is because you do not fully trust the person you are in love with. So you have a problem that in the long (or short term) will only get him to find out, mistrust you and start the problems or the end of the relationship. Normal, because the first thing your partner may think if he knows you’ve lied to him is to ask himself why he lied to me, why he didn’t want to tell me, what is he hiding from me?
  4. Always try to be understandable with your partner. You have to put yourself more in the skin of your partner and the same vice versa. Not only must you with your partner, but it be reciprocal. If one of the two people is always the one who puts himself in the other’s place, she listens to him, understands him, advises him, is the cloth of her tears, encourages him, etc. In the end, she can get tired if when she is the one who needs it, she does not receive the same. Therefore, taking into account that we are not all the same and there are people who are more empathetic and are better at giving advice, listening and being more understandable, if you can listen to your partner and let them vent. Ask him about his things, ask him about his day to day life, about his problems, support him, etc.
  5. The Fidelity. Here it must be pointed out that fidelity to your partner is always essential for the relationship to work or break forever. But beware, as we have already said, couples are only a matter of two. No one else’s. And as is evident, among them they will have their own “rules”. What do we mean by this? That there are many couples who are open couples. They are not unfaithful, but they see the love of a couple in another way, as long as they comply with what they have agreed. So the relationship is just as valid. But if your relationship is not open and your partner does not conceive of infidelity, be careful. It is always better to be honest and not lie to your partner, let alone hurt him. If your partner discovers that you have been unfaithful and you have hidden it from him, it is more than likely that he will never forgive you and you will lose him or lose him forever.
  6. Be patient. One of the problems of many young people (especially) is the lack of patience. Immediately with any problem, when we don’t like something, when there are small discussions or quarrels… right away, the decision is made to send everything to the bottom and leave it. That is also the case with relationships, but a relationship is not a thing or an object. If you leave her touched, in bad ways, that person may not forgive you and you will lose her forever. Therefore, we must try as much as possible to be patient. Have more patience and put yourself in the other person’s place And if even so, you really believe that he is not right or you do not want something or you think you are right, reason it out with your partner and if it is not the best time and you are horny, wait until you can talk about it more calmly.
  7. Share moments with your partner. Sharing and having a good time is one of the pillars that will fuel your relationship or sink it. If you don’t share moments where the two of you have a good time, enjoy, disconnect, laugh, etc. It is not an excuse to say that you do not have money and use it as an excuse not to go out together or do anything together. In the end, a routine will be created, which along with the daily chores such as work, house, etc. They will ruin the love relationship. There are many things that can be done that are very simple, that are free, that you can share. Take walks, go to the beach, have a picnic, play sports, watch movies, go to dinner, concerts, travel, etc. Anything you both like. Do things that you know your partner likes. If you can share those moments with your partner, much better.
  8. Sex should not be a taboo subject. Sex is what differentiates relationships between a simple friendships or a love relationship. Talk to your partner about what you like and what you don’t like. In sex, there must be trust between the two.
  9. We all like that they have details with us. Therefore, if you like it, think that your partner would also like it. You can show love in many ways… and one of them is being detailed with your partner. A simple detail for no reason, the typical detail “just because”. Do not wait for them to be special holidays such as birthdays, Christmas or your anniversary. A detail, no matter how small or free, is greatly appreciated and makes you feel that your partner was thinking of you and/or that he loves you. Its little details that keep love alive.
  10. Do not generalize or compare your current partner with past partners. Never. If you do, think that it can be the same in reverse. Do you like the idea? We imagine that no… nobody likes it. Therefore, each person is different, we are all different and it is possible that what one lacked, another has and so on. If you are with that person now, leave the past behind. If you are no longer with that person, it is because it did not work out. And if you don’t stop comparing or thinking about the other person, maybe it’s because you haven’t gotten over it and you should think about whether you’re ready to be in a new relationship. Your partner does not deserve that you are constantly comparing him. Rate it.

What do you need

  • Understanding.
  • Respect.
  • Affection and love.
  • Sincerity.
  • Fidelity.
  • Patience.


Many things influence love relationships. It is not easy for a relationship to last over time; everything has its streaks and its stages. But it is clear that for it to work, what should not be missing is love. Love and sex. Because it is not a relationship of friends, or family, or acquaintances… it is a love relationship.

Your partner is your partner, so share moments together. Enjoy, have fun together, have a good time, talk, do not lack communication, respect, sincerity or understanding. Without the fundamental pillars of any relationship, the relationship can end badly. Value your partner and do not make the mistake of comparing him/her with other people or couples. 


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