Humility – How to Be A Humble Person


Nowadays being humble could be one of the most complicated challenges to carry out. We mean real humility, not the humble guise some people put on when it matters to them. There are many of those.

How to be humble

We live in an era of great competition and uncertainty. Survival in a job, success in an interview, integrating ourselves, achieving by other means what we cannot… there are many reasons that push us to be more selfish or to attribute merit to ourselves that really are not ours.

How many times have you regretted having carried out any of the acts mentioned in the previous paragraph?

If you are one of those people with pangs of conscience, you have a good chance of becoming humble.

Being humble is a matter of attitude.

Learn to listen to be humble

Although it may seem hard to believe, even the most infamous being has a positive side and you have to know how to find it. It is about listening and observing it. When you are having a conversation with a stubborn or arrogant person, you can ask him the reason for his thoughts about him. Do it calmly and show interest. That will make you humble.

If you ask sharply, you’ll probably run into someone who’s going to get defensive. Those kinds of people have fixed ideas and it is not easy to persuade them.

Do you know that serenity and security in a person creates well -being for the people around us? And more in these times.

Praise people

To be humble, you must tell people about their qualities and transmit a certain admiration to them, in addition to brightening their day; you are giving them self-confidence… Remember that you must be sincere with this, do not wear the costume that we mentioned at the beginning to look good. Because then that does not make you humble, but a liar.

Here we do not want to deceive anyone or be hypocritical. If we praise someone that is for something real, and that person perceives it.

Admit your mistakes

Put your pride aside and be honest with yourselfApologize when you are wrong, admit your mistake if you want to be humble and explain your reasons.

Instructions for Humility – be a humble person

Many times, for being immersed in our chaos or in our routines. We think of everything and nothing at the same time. We do not pay too much attention to what happens, to what others are telling us and less to what we do with ourselves.

We live on autopilot for much of our time.

To develop the ability to listen and understand the one in front of us, the first thing is to stop being selfish. If we want to be humble and help that person, we must try to empathize with them and try to understand them.

Out distractions

Put aside anything that can distract you, the phone, for example. Even if you don’t agree with what you’re hearing, agree and listen. The person in front of you may need to sell, or advice, a different point of view, that you help them solve something, etc.

If you are playing with a pen, chatting or watching TV out of the corner of your eye, this person will notice and will not find what they are looking for in you. If you want to be humble, focus on that person. Right now it’s the most important thing.

Pay attention

The ability to guess what others think, as far as we know we have not yet developed. So actively paying attention is very important in drawing conclusions.

Positive attitude

Communication can be verbal and non-verbal. When you want to say something, wait for him to finish speaking, don’t interrupt. In the meantime, stay calmsmile and show interest. With that attitude you are showing a type of communication that, even if it is not verbal, you make that person feel comfortable. Here you are demonstrating to be humble.

To clear doubts

When this person finishes speaking, ask him about the possible doubts that have arisen throughout the conversation. To do this, repeat his words, do not add your own words so as not to create confusion. With that you show your special attention as a listener, and now you want to proceed to help that person.

If that person evades any of your questions, it may be because that question is the reason for their problem.

Paraphrasing stimulates communication between the two and clarifies doubts.

Focus on their problem

It is possible that the person was nervous or had a negative or stormy attitude while speaking. If so, avoid that attitude and focus on the problem. Depending on the degree of severity, your reaction may be normal. So another step in becoming humble is to learn to focus on what matters.

In fact, some of his gestures can be very relevant and have their meaning. On many occasions, we do not find enough words to express ourselves as we would like. Nerves and a certain frustration block our words. In these cases, what we do is fill our arguments with gestures.

It’s happened to all of us, right?

Stimulate the person

To convey security and stimulate the person you are listening to, give him signs so that he understands. We are going to give you some examples:

-I understand…, of course I understand you…, I see it…, I agree…, aha…

It seems silly, but with those little details you are being humble with her. You are providing her with what she needs from you. Attention, stimulation, serenity… Endless good things to make that person feel better.

You don’t need to study psychology to enrich someone’s moment and show yourself that you can be humble. It’s just a matter of listening to understand and stimulate. We may not be able to fix your problem.

In fact, many solutions emerge after a long assertive conversation. The same person who is telling you his story about her, in turn, manages to see the solution.

The fact of being in front of that person, listening and putting all your interest, you have managed to stimulate their ability to solve and you have made them feel important. That makes you humble.

Give thanks

Education, above all. It is important to be grateful for the good things that are given to you. Giving thanks is an act of education and humility.

What do you need for Humility – to be a humble person?

  • have patience
  • learn to listen
  • have a positive attitude
  • Availability to help others
  • learn to stimulate
  • Show concern for others

Tips for Humility – be a humble person

If you think that all these instructions can overcome you, it may be because you are not prepared. To be humble you need to be patient and happy with what you are doing.

We advise you to try it with simple situations in which you are comfortable with yourself. You can participate in some activity to help others. Not everyone is good at listening for a long time, but that doesn’t mean you stop doing a lot of other things for other people.

Those acts are also kind, therefore, that is also being humble.


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