How to Treat Your Psychopath


When we hear the word “Psychopaths”, we immediately think of movies with an antagonist that terrifies people; harassing them and subjecting them to endless stressful and even dangerous situations.

But, the reality is that these people don’t just exist in the movies. In daily life we ​​can come across more than one. In fact, it is very likely that, at some point in our lives, we have lived with one or are going to do so.

How can we recognize a psychopath? A psychopath is an individual who is self-absorbed, that is, absorbed in himself. He has no conscience; therefore he does not suffer from remorse. He has no emotional bond with anyone. He sees people as the means to get what he wants.

They are morally depraved individuals, who cause many of the evils that we suffer in today’s society. They are characterized by being intelligent, bold, with a pretentious attitude, violent, dissociated, and insatiable and with an innate tendency to sadism.

People with these characteristics can terrify more than one. In fact, thinking about the mere possibility of meeting one can make us freeze. But, as we have already pointed out, being realistic, it can happen.

In view of this, what should we do? How do you treat a psychopath? What can we do to be prepared and cope with the situation? Here we will be informing you about this matter.

It is of great importance that you take things seriously. Of course, this does not mean that you will become paranoid looking for these characteristics in all people. Rather, it has to do with accepting the reality around us and being prepared in the event of an alarming situation.

Instructions for treating your psychopath

At this point, you are probably wondering what makes a person become a psychopath. Are you born like this? The answer is yes. The psychopath is born with a brain system different from ours.

They are born with a malfunctioning amygdala in the brain that is 17% smaller than that of normal people, a hippocampus that does not control any emotion, and an impulse zone that acts in a totally different way.

There is no possibility of making the area of ​​​​the brain, which handles their emotions, the same as that of ordinary people. Therefore, regardless of the environment where they live, the education they receive or the type of parents who raise them, they will end up being psychopaths.

It should be noted that sometimes recognizing a psychopath is not an easy task. Since sometimes they act like a good person, totally normal, interested in people, but they may not control their anger. But, soon you end up colliding with a sad reality. The person you trusted was not who you imagined.

Usually, movies, series and documentaries represent the psychopath as a man. But, the reality is that he can be a man but he can also be a woman. There are even women who tend to obsess not only with men, but also with other women. Either because they are lesbians or because they are envious of the other girl’s success or beauty.

Being prudent and intelligent is the key

Once the problem has been identified, you have to learn to deal with it. The question would be, how can you deal with a psychopath? The first thing you should do is try to get away from that person. True, this is easier said than done. But you must try. Cut off all possible communication with the psychopath.

Doing this will be a more difficult task if your relationship with him has been closed. For example, a work or romantic relationship. In these cases, it may be worth taking drastic measures such as changing your phone number or, even if it’s within your power, moving to a new neighborhood.

Perhaps, this change of telephone number or address, you have to do it several times. Psychopaths have the knack of repeatedly finding the people who are the object of their obsession. Be patient!

If for some reason you must talk to the psychopath, avoid giving them personal information. Don’t talk about how you feel, what’s wrong with you, who you hang out with, or anything like that. Remember that they are very clever and can use that information to coerce you into continuing with them or to affect you in any way.

Think very carefully about what you are going to say. Although it sounds like a cliché, everything you say can be used against you, literally. Speak as if your words were to be replayed in court.

As much as you want to warn other people about this individual, don’t. Since they are 100% manipulative, they will deny your words and, what is worse, you will end up being the bad guy in the movie because they will end up convincing others and putting them on their side.

As you could tell, this is totally useless. However, there is something you can do. Document as much information as possible. If he writes you something, save it, if he calls you on the phone, record the conversation, or if he damages any of your possessions, such as the house or the car, take pictures.

You must be cunning

Keep all that evidence in a safe place. Maybe it will help you to use it in front of a jury, in the future. Psychopaths have the ability to make you look like a complete lunatic. Having this evidence will help you disprove his words from him.

These individuals try to damage the reputation of people in front of the community in general, in front of their friends and, in front of their relatives. Don’t blame them for believing him. They are skilled masters of deception and can easily influence others.

You will begin to receive this type of hostile treatment, from the moment you try to cut communication with him or try to distance yourself. They can even try to attack everything you own, harass you. Not for the fact of wanting it for him, but to see you totally destroyed.

Don’t neglect

Keep in mind that, thanks to the advancement of technology, the task of damaging your reputation becomes much easier. They can use your social networks to post offensive comments, compromising images, etc. Everything, with the firm intention of leaving you in a bad way in front of others.

To stop this, you may be required to delete all your social media accounts. Really, what does it matter to have an active social life if someone is bent on harming it? You can deprive yourself of them for a while, while you manage to get rid of your predator.

If you have the opportunity, talk in time with the manager of the company where you work. A wave of slander may begin to rise on you. For example, that you sell drugs in the company, that you are embezzling it, that you have an improper affair, among many other things that you can’t even imagine can be said. It is good that you have it on notice.

Don’t forget

What do you need to treat your psychopath?

If you are already the victim of such comments, resist the urge to want to fight back. Don’t fall for their game. He or she just wants to get your attention. If you show any signs of weakness, you will be giving him the opportunity to continue attacking you.

Therefore, although it is not easy, you must strive to maintain a positive attitude, be smiling, appear confident and remain calm. That is the best way you have to defend yourself from their ridicule or slander.

When should you seek help?… When you feel that your safety, your integrity as a person or your own life is threatened or threatened. Who should you go to? If you don’t have concrete evidence of their attacks, find a strong support system among your friends and family.

Having already strong evidence, you can go to the authorities and make a formal complaint. The important thing at this point is that you do not lose your peace of mind. Be careful not to get paranoid seeing things where there are none.

Tips for treating your psychopath

In view of the constant attack they receive, many victims come to think that they have done something wrong and therefore are to blame for what is happening to them. Resist the urge to think that way.

You didn’t do anything wrong. You didn’t provoke it. You are not to blame. In this story, you are the victim, not the victimizer.

Don’t try to become a Good Samaritan. Psychopaths are not going to change. You cannot help them or make a difference with them. It is simply part of their nature. Remember that they are born with that brain short circuit.

For them, they are too perfect to make mistakes. In addition, what for you may be abused, for them it is the result of something you have done wrong. In other words, for them you are the only one to blame.

No matter how good you are, the conversations you have, the couples therapy they go to, the situation is not going to get better. Take it on!

In your hands is not the opportunity to provide stability. Your love is not the one that will save them. In fact, by forgiving the psychopath and re-admitting him into your life, you are telling him that he can continue to abuse you. Don’t fall for their game.

Forgiveness is good but not in the case of dealing with these individuals. They are usually very charismatic. Therefore, on more than one occasion, they will make you think that they have changed, that they are another person, but it is not true. Do not establish any kind of contact with them again. This would only give them the opportunity to continue trying to manipulate you.


Remember that they are not bad people. What actually happens is that there is something wrong with them. It’s not that they want to be like that. It is difficult to understand this when you have been attacked or are having a very bad time. But, being objective, they are not entirely to blame.

Not all psychopaths are violent or homicidal either. Of course, we don’t want to find out, but it’s good that you keep it in mind. Sometimes, they themselves tend to be the ones who walk away. Either because they have reached their goal or because they have found a new source of greater satisfaction than you.

This gives us to understand that the problem will not last forever. At some point the social predator will give up. So keep hoping. Every story has an end and this will be no exception.

What can you need

You obviously need the help of a professional. He will help you determine the type of psychopath you are dealing with, how you can treat him and above all, how you can protect yourself and your family.

The specialist will help you understand what the motivations of this individual are. In this way you will be able to know how it was that he came to catch you and manipulate you. This will allow you to regain control of the situation and have an objective point of view of the facts.

You must document yourself. You can do this using mind control books, movies, documentaries, psychiatrist interviews, etc. Try to apply the information you have researched to your particular case.

How did they cheat on you? What tactic did they use? How could he sustain the farce? Being aware of all this will help you let go of any feelings of guilt about not being able to forget it that you may harbor. You can also gradually eliminate the influence they exerted on you.

Although it is not easy, you can get ahead. Remember that you are not alone. You have the help and support of many people. You can get your life back and you will end up doing it sooner or later. You just have to maintain emotional strength, you can’t decay. Chin up. You’ll be out of this soon.


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